Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Beyond Brilliant! Dark Mechanicus!

Another master class tournament is upon me, this time it’s Arena 2k10 in Krakow, on the other side of Poland. Every year Arena is a blast, and this year it’s organised in the same venue as the last year, which is a great improvement over the previous venues. We go there by train and by we I mean our gaming group plus some spouses – 16 people in total. The journey itself is always an entertainment, as we take a plethora of boardgames as well as proper beverages to ease the 11-hour ride.

I am faithul to my Adeptus Mechanicus army, but due to the fact that Arena 2k10 is with a 2100 points limit, I shivered when I counted the tanks I’d need to take if I were to use the imperial Guard rules. In a 1300 points list I run 9 vehicles, and as they and my infantry are resin and metal only, my army case weighs 14kgs!

For Arena my initial list had no less than 14 vehicles, most full of infantry. Space in my army case ran low.

So I ditched this idea and chose to go with my Dark Mechanicus army – using Codex: Chaos Space Marines rules. The problem was, I needed Land Raiders.

So over the last 5 days I built and painted them. Or their wicked vision.

Now, I admit they are not pretty in a traditional sense, but I kinda like them. Plus my Daemon Prince counts-as will finally be able to hide behind something (he’s the Technomagos in the glass jar).
Dark Mechanicus Land Stalkers.jpgDark Mechanicus Land Stalker Land Raider 1.jpgDark Mechanicus Land Stalker Land Raider 2.jpgDark Mechanicus Land Stalker Land Raider 3.jpg
Dark Mechanicus Land Stalker Land Raider 4.jpgDark Mechanicus Land Stalker Land Raider 5.jpgDark Mechanicus Electropriests and Land Stalker Berzerkers and Land Raider 1.jpgDark Mechanicus Electropriests and Land Stalker Berzerkers and Land Raider 2.jpg
Above are my Land Stalkers with their Electropriests (Berzerkers) cargo.
Below are the  Stalkers (Rhinos) with Protectors Maniples (Plague Marines):

Dark Mechanicus Protectors and Stalker Plague Marines and Rhino 3.jpgDark Mechanicus Protectors and Stalker Plague Marines and Rhino 2.jpgDark Mechanicus Protectors and Stalker Plague Marines and Rhino 1.jpg
Here are the HQ: Technomagos (Lord), Arcomagos (Daemon Prince, in tank) and Praetor (Greater Daemon, the one with the most limbs):

I call them Robin, Barry and Maurice.



  1. How did you make "the stalkers"?

    1. Hortwerth Lukasz Perzanowski
      made them
